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What is Enby Entertainment?

Enby Entertainment is a blog dedicated to looking at the sometimes good, but mostly bad representation of non-binary characters in fiction, specifically in films and series. 


As different gender identities become more widespread in our society, our media should represent this diversity. This blog aims to spread awareness of the stereotypes, common tropes, and positive characteristics, so hopefully representation improves in the future.


You can read my current articles via the links above, by either returning to home to see featured posts, selecting categories to see different topics, shows and characters, or by viewing all the posts. Also, don't forget you can interact with all articles (if you sign-in using the profile in the top-right corner), so like and comment as I would love to hear and discuss your views.

Non-binary flag
Clip art of a film camera
About the Site
The Site
The Rating System

How does the Rating System Work?

To fully define what is good or bad representation, I will be focusing on five main areas:

  1. Avoiding Stereotypes

    • Does the character reinforce negative ideas around non-binary individuals ("Confused", "Attention-seeking", "Unnatural" etc.)?​

  2. Avoiding Tokenism

    • Is the character only included without any influence on the plot?​

  3. Avoiding "Queerbaiting"

    • In the context of the text itself (not through external discussions), is the character named and defined with an identity under the non-binary umbrella?

  4. Too Idealistic or Too Cynical

    • Does the character's story focus too little or too much on the fact they are non-binary?​

  5. External Effects

    • How has the character's inclusion provided a positive outcome for the wider audience?​


A star will be awarded to each of these areas if the character is positive in that regard, with half a star if it is somewhat okay, and of course none if it is a terrible insult on being non-binary.

5 out of 5 stars
About the Rating System
The Blogger

About Me

Joe Carrick-Lawson in front of a non-binary flag

Other Content:

  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • TikTok

Joe Carrick-Lawson
Non-Binary (They/Them)

I am a Media and Communications Uni Student from the UK. 


I have known I don't identify as a "boy" since I was 7 years old, but due to the lack of education it took me until I was 17 in 2020 to adopt they/them pronouns, and 2021 until I came out as non-binary, immediately after I found out about the term on a suggested Instagram post. 


Since then I have made being non-binary my main personality trait, obviously extensively telling everyone I meet what it is when they question why I am wearing a skirt. Also, I love researching and discussing it for Uni work (such as this blog) as lecturers can hardly tell me I am wrong about my own gender identity, right?


Aside from this blog, I also make comedic videos on YouTube (@satinsquares). To check that out, follow these links.

About the Blogger
Your Account

About Your Account

In the top right on PC, or in the menu on Mobile, you can find the option to create your own account. This will allow you to write comments for myself and other users to read and respond to. I enjoy discussions so I would love to here feedback or opinions, positive or negative, about any of the things discussed on this blog (just obviously refrain from saying negative things about other users otherwise you will be blocked).


Once signed in, you can find your own page:

  • Public Pages (unless set to private)

    • Profile - What other users will be able to see

    • Blog Comments - Lists all your comments

  • Private Pages

    • My Account - Account settings such as display name and privacy​

    • Settings - All other settings

    • Notifications - Any notifications will appear here


(Please note: Your Account does not allow you to make posts. Any settings related to posts are things with Wix that I have no idea how to remove)

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