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The Complete List

All the Videos. All the Excitement. All the Fun (of knowing you could do better).


Reasons Why I Shouldn't Make Videos

Back for a third time, a sarcastic and narcissistic failed video creator rants about why they have been on a 2 year hiatus from any good content, and the reasons for the rest of the videos' failures. - frame at 1m51s.jpg

Becoming Famous With Zero Talent

After a failed return to YouTube, a sarcastic and narcissistic video creator turns to TikTok to gain the admiration they crave

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Regular Content My A***

Borderline Depressed.

Borderline Denial.

Borderline Drunk.

Why not give up and make Scripted Content with fake dramatics?

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Positives of Post-Covid Dating

When you are desperate, always look for the positives.


It's a Valentine's video for people with seriously nothing better to do!

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Joe Kills A Mongoose

It's just one of those low-budget shows for where there is Nothing Better to Watch, isn't it?​

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Just Breathe

Mindfulness is a piss-take.

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All My Terrible Views

With my obvious new-found fame, I need to stop being cancelled.

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Speedrunning Subscriber Specials

The unprepared and untalented YouTuber that is me attempts to rationalise and capitalise on the fluke success of last week's video.

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The Spontaneous Desire to Meticulously Plan a Get Away

​This is what happens when you suffer burn out and depression for a month.

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The Set Up

Set ups are an interesting thing, so here is a set up that last 4 and a half minutes.

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Other Forms of Therapy

Its 10AM, its time for a University Assessment where I do a stand-up routine (yes, that is really what I did), and I will be discussing Alcoholism, Therapy, and the Serious Trauma that led me there (yes, I really chose those topics).

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